A night at 1984 Night at the Arcade. When I arrived to the venue around midnight, there was still a queue outside waiting to get in.
The dance floor was already filled with people when I finally made it inside; dancing, drinking and having a good time. People from all over Europe had come to The Netherlands just to attend the party.
The first act of the evening was DJ DEVEREAUX 85: a famous Dutch DJ from Amsterdam, who also happened to be the organizer of this awesome event together with Rick de Vroede. He played a great set filled with Synthwave and other electronic 80s music.
The projection screen was showing short videoclips of movies and series from the 80s, along with some footage from MTV, which was, of course, the leading videoclip channel in the 80s.
DANA JEAN PHOENIX was the second act. She’s a great female solo act from the US. 1984 Night at the Arcade also happened to be her first visit to The Netherlands.
She is an awesome woman with a great show who does everything all by herself: singing, dancing, interacting with the crowd and playing several different synths at the same time. I loved her awesome cover of I.O.Y. proberly one best covers i have heard.

The night is still young when the next act comes on stage. STARCADIAN hails from New York, but is touring through Europe at the time of his performance. He’s deejaying but also singing, and the dance floor is absolutely packed now. The people were really going wild on the sounds of STARCADIAN. He is followed by SHEILA AND THE KITSHEILA AND THE KIT, a Dutch synth/electro pop act. They are a young band with lots of potential and their own unique sound. The music they make is influenced by the magical 80s. They gave a great live gig. (what was so great about it?)
During the summer they will also be playing at several festivals.

The night ended with a great DJ set from the Dutch DJ DAVID VUNK, with not only Synthwave music, but also lots of other great stuff.
All in all it was a great night with friendly people and some great performances. Thanks to Joël en Mink for this perfect night. See SHEILA AND THE KIT live: https://www.facebook.com/pg/sheilaandthekit/events/ Starcadian live: https://www.facebook.com/pg/starcadianofficial/events/ David Funk live: https://www.facebook.com/pg/DAVID-VUNK/